How To Take That Photo When Under Pressure – And What To Do If You Mess Up – 29 July 2014

press, success, decisive moment, first job, what lens, canon or nikon?
Get the shot, regardless of camera gear.

I’ll be talking about getting great photos in situations where you don’t have control over the subject’s movements – like concerts, sports, parades, photojournalism, street photography, celebrities in public, events & conferences and opportunistic shenanigans. 

Firstly, congratulations, you’ve made the right and conscious choice to improve yourself.

Now, let’s start with the worse case scenario: there’s a great photo opportunity, there’s only one chance to get it, you’re not prepared and the moment is almost… nope the moment has gone. WHY ME?!!

Now that’s out of the way, let’s break down what you did wrong and how to fix it. 🙂

1. Pressure is to do with ‘margin of error’ as far as photography is concerned, while some say pressure or stress is self-inflicted,